
Differential and Partial differential

Differential of a function

where  is the derivative of f with respect to x, and dx is an additional real variable (so that dy is a function of x and dx). The notation is such that the equation
holds, where the derivative is represented in the Leibniz notation dy/dx, and this is consistent with regarding the derivative as the quotient of the differentials. One also writes

where the error ε in the approximation satisfies ε/Δx → 0 as Δx → 0. In other words, one has the approximate identity
in which the error can be made as small as desired relative to Δx by constraining Δx to be sufficiently small; that is to say,
as Δx → 0. For this reason, the differential of a function is known as the principal (linear) part in the increment of a function: the differential is a linear function of the increment Δx, and although the error ε may be nonlinear, it tends to zero rapidly as Δx tends to zero.

the partial differential of y with respect to any one of the variables x1 is the principal part of the change in y resulting from a change dx1 in that one variable. The partial differential is therefore


假設 z = x^7 + y^3 + 3(x^2)*(y^4) + 4xy + 98 
z為應變數 , x y為自變數 

全微分 : 
dz = 7x^6dx + 3y^2dy + 6x(y^4)dx + 12(x^2)*(y^3)dy + 4ydx + 4xdy + 0 
ps. 兩變數相乘的 , 如同一般乘法的微分 , 前微後不微+前不微後微 

偏微分 : 
只對要微的自變數微分 , 其他的都當作常數 
1.對 x 偏微 
∂z/∂x = 7x^6 + 0 + 6x(y^4) + 4y + 0 

2. 對 y 偏微 
∂z/∂y = 0 + 3y^2 + 12(x^2)*(y^3) + 4x + 0


